Ace the Arkansas Foundations of Reading Test 2024 – Unlock the Power of Literacy Fun!

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Question: 1 / 50

What is crucial for students to memorize some words that do not follow regular spelling patterns?

Repeated exposure to these words

The choice of repeated exposure to words is vital for students when it comes to memorizing words that do not follow regular spelling patterns. This approach allows them to familiarize themselves with the visual forms of these words, which can be irregular and cannot solely rely on phonetic decoding strategies. Frequent encounters with these words help solidify their recognition and recall, aiding in their overall reading fluency. While phonics is beneficial for decoding, it may not effectively address the unique characteristics of irregular words. Similarly, understanding idioms provides context for meaning but doesn't facilitate the memorization of spelling. Interactive software can be engaging and supportive, but without that consistent exposure to those specific tricky words, students might struggle to memorize them effectively. Repeated exposure creates a strong foundation for retention in this context.

Learning through phonics

Understanding idioms and phrases

Using interactive software


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